How To Increase Sales: 13 Techniques To Boost Your Online Revenue

So, you’ve got a product to sell, and your online store is making a few sales each week. Now, you’re ready to hit the gas and ramp up those sales. But with limited time in the day, where do you start? This guide shares 13 easy-to-implement techniques to help you increase sales without too much fuss.

13 Ways to Boost Your Online Store Sales


1. Uncover Your Value Proposition

Your value proposition is why customers choose your product over others. Find out what makes you special by asking your current customers: Why did they choose you? What problems did you solve that others couldn’t? Once you know, shout it from the rooftops! Make sure it’s on your social media, homepage, and product descriptions.

2. Quiz Your Customers

Want to know more about your potential customers? Use apps like OctaneAI or RevenueHunt to quiz them. Ask questions to find out their pain points and recommend products that suit their needs. Follow up with personalized email campaigns that speak directly to their issues.

3. Share Customer Reviews

Did you know 93% of new customers check reviews before buying? Encourage happy customers to leave reviews on platforms like Google Business, Yelp, or TrustPilot. Then, share these reviews in your emails, on social media, and on your product pages to attract more buyers.

4. Answer Questions with Blog Content

Blogging is a budget-friendly way to attract your target audience. Find out what keywords your customers are searching for and create content that answers their questions. This can bring in traffic and sales from people actively looking for your products.

5. Offer Free Shipping

Shipping costs can scare away potential buyers. Research shows 49% of shoppers abandon their carts because of high shipping fees. Offer free shipping, possibly with a minimum spend, to meet customer expectations and boost sales.

6. Run Abandoned Cart Email Campaigns

People often leave items in their carts without buying. Use cart abandonment emails to remind them of what they left behind and encourage them to complete the purchase. You might even sweeten the deal with a discount.

7. Use Upsells and Cross-Sells

Encourage customers to buy more with upsells (suggesting a higher-priced item) and cross-sells (suggesting complementary items). For example, if someone’s looking at a phone case, recommend a more expensive one with better features or a matching accessory.

8. Add Trust Signals to Your Online Store

Build trust with new customers by displaying trust signals like money-back guarantees, customer reviews, return policies, SSL certificates, and logos of well-known payment processors. This helps reassure shoppers that your site is safe and reliable.

9. Improve Website Navigation

Make it easy for shoppers to find what they’re looking for with a simple and clear navigation menu. Use main category pages and search/filter functions. Breadcrumbs on product pages can also help visitors find similar items easily.

10. Speed Up the Checkout Process

A smooth checkout process reduces cart abandonment. Keep it simple by limiting the number of form fields and enabling auto-fill options like Shop Pay. This can significantly increase conversion rates, especially on mobile devices.

11. Accept Alternative Payment Methods

Offer a variety of payment options, including credit/debit cards, buy now pay later options, and mobile wallets like Apple Pay or Google Pay. The more choices you offer, the easier it is for customers to pay.

12. Provide Excellent Customer Service

Good customer service can turn a negative experience into a positive one. Be proactive, apologize for any issues, and resolve them quickly. This builds loyalty and encourages repeat business.

13. Offer a Customer Loyalty Program

Encourage repeat purchases with a loyalty program that rewards customers for coming back. Offer perks for actions like making another purchase, referring friends, or sharing your products on social media.

Increasing Sales for Your Online Store is a Continuous Process

Boosting your online sales is an ongoing journey. Try these friendly tips to see what works best for your store. Stay connected with your customers to understand and meet their changing needs, ensuring your sales keep growing steadily.