14 Easy Tools To Create EBooks

Tools to Help You Create an eBook and Grow Your Business

Writing a book can help you establish credibility and generate passive income. Many entrepreneurs use books and eBooks to market their businesses and capture email addresses. Here’s a friendly guide to some helpful tools for creating an eBook.

EPUB Creation Tools

To publish an eBook on eReader devices, you need a tool to create or convert your document into an .epub format. This format is ideal for platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing, B&N Press, or Apple Books. Here are some great tools:

  • Adobe InDesign: Perfect if you’re familiar with Adobe programs like Photoshop. It integrates well but can be tricky to learn.
  • Scribus: A free, open-source layout program available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Ubuntu.
  • Pages: A word processing program for Apple users with great visual templates.
  • Scrivener: Excellent for long projects, helping you stay organized and format your manuscript easily.
  • Draft2Digital: Converts other file formats to .epub and offers eBook distribution services.

PDF Design Tools

If your eBook is more like a report or whitepaper, consider using tools that create and export PDFs. These tools are great for visually appealing documents and lead magnets.

  • Adobe Acrobat: Well-known for PDFs, it’s easy to format, edit, and collaborate with.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint: Known for presentations, it includes helpful formatting tools like SmartArt and Slide Masters.
  • Google Slides: Web-based and perfect for real-time collaboration, it also produces nicely formatted PDF eBooks.
  • Keynote: Apple’s slideshow software with templates, charts, and shapes for creating professional PDFs.
  • Canva: A web-based design platform with templates and design elements to personalize your document.
  • Designrr: Automatically formats your content into an eBook. It can convert URLs, social media posts, and media files into text, allowing easy adjustments.

Helpful Writing and Publishing Resources

Writing and promoting a book is a big project, but these resources can help:

  • Self Publishing School: Offers services to help you write and sell books, with various free and paid resources, including a calendar with optimal publishing times.
  • BookBaby: Provides services for physical book production, eBook formatting, distribution, design, and copy editing.
  • Blurb: Offers tools for printing physical books, layout, file conversion, eBook distribution, and their own bookstore.



Creating an eBook, whether traditional or visually engaging, can be smooth and enjoyable with the right tools. Use these resources to produce professional-quality eBooks that help market your business and generate passive income. Happy writing!