How To Build An Email List From Scratch: 24 Tricks

The Ultimate Guide to Building Your Email List from Scratch


If you haven’t already started building an email list, you’re missing out on a powerful marketing opportunity. Email open rates average around 25 percent, making it an easy and effective way to reach current and potential customers.

Dollar for dollar, email marketing is one of the most powerful channels available to digital entrepreneurs today. On average, it returns $42 for every $1 spent. That’s why 81% of SMBs use email for customer acquisition, and another 80% for customer retention, according to Emarsys. But it all starts with building an email list.

Email marketing involves creating a list of potential customers, building relationships with them, and making offers they’ll appreciate. Generally, only 10 to 15 percent of your list will open your emails, and a smaller percentage will click through to your offers and make a purchase. The larger your list, the greater your potential profits. For instance, ten percent of 10,000 will yield more results than ten percent of 1,000.

In this guide, you’ll learn the basics of building your email list from scratch, using both free and paid strategies.


What Is an Email List?


An email list is a collection of email addresses gathered through content marketing and promotional efforts. Potential and current customers typically provide their contact information via a lead generation form when they purchase a product or download a freebie from your website.

You can store your email list in a database and use an email marketing service, such as MailChimp, to send targeted emails. Each time you send an email, you write the subject line and body copy, include a CTA, and send it to your subscribers.

Segmentation allows you to tailor emails based on each subscriber’s position in the sales funnel. For example, a repeat customer shouldn’t receive the same content as someone who has only visited your website once and downloaded a free resource.

As your email list grows, you can further segment it, but for now, let’s focus on building your list.


Benefits of an Email List


Turn Prospects into Customers

Collecting emails allows you to build connections with potential customers, guiding them through the buying process.

Increased Revenue Potential

Direct communication with your audience lets you meet their needs effectively. For instance, you can recover abandoned carts by sending reminder emails with incentives to complete purchases.

Targeted Marketing Opportunities

Segment your list based on criteria like values, personality, age, and gender. Understanding your audience’s behavior helps you tailor your messages to meet their specific needs.


Components of a Great Email List



Subscribers should explicitly consent to join your list and have the option to opt-out. This ensures your audience is genuinely interested in your updates and prevents bots from signing up.

Low Unsubscribe Rate

A low unsubscribe rate indicates your audience finds value in your content. If unsubscribes are frequent, reassess your email strategy.

High Deliverability

Ensure your emails reach your subscribers’ inboxes, not their spam folders. Use AI and analytics tools to optimize email delivery.

Easily Segmented

Segmentation allows you to send targeted messages to different subscriber groups, enhancing relevance and engagement.


How to Build an Email List for Free


1. Create a Subscribe Page on Your Website

Many potential customers visit websites but can’t find a subscription form. Create a dedicated Subscribe page and add it to your navigation bar. Make it easy for visitors to join your list by embedding the form on the page.

2. Create Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are small offers related to your product designed to attract your ideal customer. Examples include free reports, buyer’s guides, eBooks, templates, worksheets, or checklists. Create a landing page for your lead magnet, tease the information, and embed a sign-up form. Send a confirmation email with the lead magnet link to those who opt in.

3. Optimize Your Website for Subscriptions

Place subscription forms in multiple locations on your site to ensure visibility. For instance, embed lead magnet offers within blog posts, include opt-in forms on landing pages, and use exit intent pop-ups.

4. Host Giveaways

Giveaways can gamify list-building. Offer a valuable prize to one winner, encouraging participants to share the giveaway for additional entries. This viral approach can significantly grow your list.

5. Gate High-Value Content

Ask visitors to sign up to access your highest-value content. This strategy drives organic traffic through SEO while building your list.

6. Offer Webinars and Live Content

Live presentations and evergreen webinars are excellent for engaging audiences. Promote your webinars through opt-in forms to grow your list.

7. Offer Premium Content in Different Formats

Create email series, video trainings, or audio series delivered over several days or weeks. This approach encourages subscribers to open your emails consistently.

8. Speak at Events

Events offer opportunities to grow your email list. Create a lead magnet for your audience and provide a landing page URL on a QR code. Encourage attendees to sign up for your free resource.

9. Create a Quiz

Quizzes engage visitors and provide personalized recommendations. After completing the quiz, prompt visitors to subscribe to get their results.

10. Promote on Social Media

Share your Subscribe page link in your social media bio and stories. Directly invite your followers to subscribe.

11. Encourage Sharing in Emails

Ask your subscribers to invite their friends by including share buttons in your emails. For example, use a P.S. section to encourage sharing.

12. Offer a Free Trial

A free trial of your course or membership program can quickly convert happy customers. Create a landing page promoting the trial and send a reminder to upgrade before the trial ends.

13. Start a Blog

Blogging helps you reach your target audience. Include opt-in forms on each blog post, offering high-quality content regularly.

14. Launch a Podcast

Promote your email newsletter in your podcast episodes and include the opt-in link in your show notes.

15. Start a YouTube Channel

Use YouTube to connect visually with your audience. Include opt-in links in your video descriptions and invite viewers to subscribe.

16. Update Your Email Signature

Add a brief sentence about your email newsletter and a link to the opt-in page in your email signature.

17. Speak at Events

At events, create opportunities for people to join your list. Use QR codes on your slides and encourage attendees to sign up for your free resource.


How to Build an Email List Using Paid Strategies


While free strategies are effective, you can fast-track your list-building efforts with these paid tactics:

18. Invest in Advertising

Advertise your lead magnet, guide, event, or webinar on platforms like Google AdWords, LinkedIn, or Facebook. Target your ads to reach your ideal customers.

19. Promote High-Value Content

Boost your best-performing blog posts and offer related resources in exchange for email sign-ups. This approach drives qualified traffic to your content.

20. Sponsor Influencers

Partner with YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram personalities to promote your lead magnet. Create a unique landing page for each influencer to track sign-ups.

21. Sponsor Blogs or Newsletters

Find popular creators and media companies that offer sponsorship packages. Negotiate a fee for promoting your lead magnet.

22. Sponsor Events

Look for conferences and webinars targeting your audience. Sponsors are often promoted on event landing pages and materials.

23. Host Your Own Conference

Organize a conference with industry thought leaders. Promote the event to your email list and advertise it. Add attendees to your email list.

24. Offer Monetized Incentives

Provide discounts or coupons in exchange for email sign-ups. Create pop-ups or banners offering a percentage off your products.


Building an email list is essential for growing your business. Use the strategies outlined in this guide to create a segmented, high-quality email list. Regularly send emails to your list to nurture relationships, build loyalty, and increase sales. Start building your email list today and unlock the full potential of email marketing.