utobo – Transforming e-Learning in this Coronavirus blizzard!

What was the one thing that didn’t stop during the World Wars? What was the one thing that didn’t stop every time the existence of human life was in danger? Lessons and their innumerable learnings. The moment at which the caveman’s eyes dilated looking at the newly discovered fire, the lessons we have learnt have known no bounds. Someone said it right, “Time teaches all things as it grows old.” And mankind has constantly watched this aphorism playing right by its words. From the menacing power of the atom bomb to the magic of penicillin, from the modest wheel of the bullock cart to having the footprints on the moon, we have learnt it all. So why are we shying away from gaining this knowledge due to a pandemic? Isn’t attaining knowledge one of the key factors to mankind’s survival? The reason we know about the transmission and symptoms of Coronavirus is one magical word; KNOWLEDGE. Knowledge is how we have survived all the problems in the billion years of our existence, and knowledge is how we are going to unite and defeat this pandemic.
The Current Scenario
With the global cases touching 9,50,000 due to Covid-19 and various schemes intended to extend the country’s state of emergency, there is no doubt that the world is going through a tough phase and the only way people can contribute to this situation is by staying indoors. Self-isolation measures are put in place at various locations, and governments all around the world have closed educational institutes in an attempt to contain the global pandemic. According to UNESCO monitoring, more than 100 countries have implemented nationwide closures, impacting over half of the world’s student population. India has the largest population in the age bracket 5-24, which means these people will be losing the opportunity of gaining an education in these dark times. And so will the students of the world. But we are living in the 21st century and giving up the right to education in this digitized world is just irrational for such an evolved species.
It is time for tutors to gear up their chalks and rulers to fight this pandemic, and we are at their service.
Enter the utobians!
We, at utobo, swear on our laptops to equip these tutors with best-in-class information technology products at the lowest possible prices, deliver them just in time and offer exceptional support. Our vision is to craft the future of the education system where learning will be economical, collaborative, intuitive, and fun. We are a bunch of modest tech maniacs who started up utobo to fill this demand-supply gap in the education sector. We wanted to make a positive difference in this world from the very beginning, and now is the time we gear up all our strengths to fight this pandemic with numerable codes and innumerable efforts.
utobo offers online service on various platforms through web and mobile applications that are seamlessly integrated. There is no need to be an expert in coding when it comes to imparting education, as utobo takes care of it. It offers an easy user interface that helps arrange different subjects, topics, audio, video, presentations, etc., most effectively. utobo can also consolidate with any software such as CRM, Billing, ERP, Email, Payment Gateways, or hardware applications such as biometric systems and bar code printers. It is the only marketplace that offers ‘Class Isolation’ with affordable pricing and performance tracker features.
Our efficient support system will resolve any problem you face and bid you a heartfelt adieu full of gratitude; the gratitude you will deserve for trying to save the future of this ever-evolving ball of magic.
Come, teach and cherish the feeling of unity in these hard times and misinformation. The world leaders are doing their best, but our duty is to prevent this Coronavirus blizzard from turning into a Coronavirus winter.
Thanks for reading!